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The Tangerine Issue Two Spring 2017
100 pages (A4)
Pick up the second issue of The Tangerine magazine, a Belfast-based magazine of new writing.
Base price: £9. Prices listed include delivery.
Daragh Breen: A Supermoon Gives Birth to Herself
Dean Browne: Memory Is a Wardrobe
Toby Buckley: companion.
Conor Cleary: The Mousse
Rachel Curzon: Innovative Ways
Susannah Dickey: ‘Plywood is the liberation of wood.’ Frank Lloyd Wright, in
conjunction with the United States Plywood Corporation.
Lucia Dove: Scoundrel
Erin Kelley: Theophany II, Theophany III, Evolution
Matt Kirkham: The Literature Machine
Raffi Kiureghian: Study for a Window
Florence Lenaers: malleolus, n.
Emma Must: Cycling to IKEA
Richard O’Brien: Fable of the Jar
Lenni Sanders: NYE, Watching ‘Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. Leonard Cohen’
Stephen Sexton: Orthodox
Short Stories
Jude Cook: En Plein Air
Louise Kennedy: Brittle Things
Darragh McCausland: Phelim from Galway
Damien McLaughlin: Men
Roisin Dunnett: On Tentativeness
James Patterson: What Work Is: Wage Labour & the Poetic Imperative in
an Age of Austerity
Tess Taylor: Thing
Darran Anderson: An Interview with Jean Bleakney
Padraig Regan: An Interview with Eileen Myles
Aurore Carric: Cover Artwork
Megan Doherty: Stoned in Melanchol
Martina Scott: Inside Cover Artwork
Michael Weir: Punks' Camp, Mae Rim